Thursday December 15th 2016

By December 15, 2016All Posts, Workout of the Day

2:00 Shoulder Mobility
3:00 of:
10 Light Push Press
2 Length of Gym High Knees
2 Length of Gym Buttkicks

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 3 reps

Build in load to today’s heavy triple, and for the first 3-4 sets, pause for 2 seconds in the receiving position.

For max reps/calories:
90 seconds of Rowing
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Push Press (115/75 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Rowing

Boom Lite:

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets of each):
Station 1 – L-Seated Dumbbell Press x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Station 2 – Hollow Hold x 60-90 seconds

For max reps/calories:
90 seconds of Rowing
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Push Press
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of Rowing

Boom Fitness