Saturday September 15th 2018

By September 14, 2018Workout of the Day


In teams of three, complete the following for time:
1200 Meter Relay Run
120 Kettlebell Swings
90 Jumping Lunges or Alternating Reverse Lunges
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells
1200 Meter Relay Run
120 Kettlebell Swings
90 Jumping Lunges or Alternating Reverse Lunges
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells
1200 Meter Relay Run

Only one member of the team may be working at a time, and no member may begin the next movement until the team has completed the preceding. Tasks may be partitioned as you see fit. Coaches will encourage communication and vocal support of your teammates. Tell your teammate when you are strong and can keep going, and tell them when you need assistance before you expected to need it. The key to quick times is communication and quick transitions.

Boom Fitness