Friday August 30th 2019

By August 29, 2019Workout of the Day


Row 1000 meters

Followed by…

12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinging

Followed by…

Three Sets:
5 Deadlifts
(practice touch and go cycling)
20-30 seconds Handstand Hold
(practice perfect hand placement each time)


“Strict Diane”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
225/155 lb Deadlifts
Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – Barbell Hip Thrust x 6 reps @ 21X1
Station 2 – Band Pull-Aparts x 30 reps @ 1010
Station 3 – L-Sit x 60 seconds (accumulated time)

Boom Lite

Row 1000 meters

Followed by…

12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinging

Followed by…

Two Sets:
10 Bird Dogs
10 Dead Bugs
3-5 Dragon Flags


For time:
36 Kettlebell Swings
18 Knees to Elbows or Hanging Leg Raises
24 Kettlebell Swings
12 Knees to Elbows or Hanging Leg Raises
12 Kettlebell Swings
6 Knees to Elbows or Hanging Leg Raises

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – Barbell Hip Thrust x 6 reps @ 21X1
Station 2 – Band Pull-Aparts x 30 reps @ 1010
Station 3 – L-Sit x 60 seconds (accumulated time)

Boom Fitness