Thursday January 5th 2017

5:00 of:
10 Slow Walking Lunge Steps
10 Abmat Situps
10 Light Goblet Squats

Four sets of:
Walking Lunges with DBs x 20 steps @ 1010
(use the heaviest DBs you can handle while following the tempo prescription)
Rest 60 seconds
Side Plank Hold x 30-45 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds

For time:
Row 500m
30 Front Squats (Heavy)
30 Box Jumps (High)
Row 500m

Challenge yourself by going as heavy and high as you can handle. The weight you select should be heavy enough to require you to break the 30 reps into 3-5 sets.

Boom Lite:

Same as above – modify as needed

Boom Fitness